Wednesday, April 21, 2021


I started my passion for nud art in 2017, in 2018 I stopped because of my family. They thought it was prostitution, because here in Angola there are still a lot of taboos in the artistic scene, and I landed again on December 7, 2020.


Currently I am counting on the support of my girlfriend and my parents, and In 2019 when I met you in Windhoek and I saw your profile, I once again had the strength to break the barriers and Culture to do what I love most, which is to land and show all women that we are perfect, that it is not bad for another woman to be naked and show the world everything that is free and freedom brings art so I see your photos and I am amazed, Wow what a most beautiful art !!!!


Your photos helped me a lot, so I am the one who is grateful.

Eye Am inspired by women who stand in their power and own their bodies and sexuality. We are all ONE and when ONE of us takes the leap of faith to live and love fully from deep within their true being ALL of us are one step closer to Unity Conciosness, Collective Healing and Unconditional LOVE for ourselves and each other. 


Eye Celebrate this brave, strong Woman.

“Perhaps our dreams are there to be broken, and our plans are there to crumble, and our tomorrows are there to dissolve into todays, and perhaps all of this is all a giant invitation to wake up from the dream of separation, to awaken from the mirage of control, and embrace whole-heartedly what is present. 

Perhaps it is all a call to compassion, to a deep embrace of this universe in all its bliss and pain and bitter-sweet glory. Perhaps we were never really in control of our lives, and perhaps we are constantly invited to remember this, since we constantly forget it. 

Perhaps suffering is not the enemy at all, and at its core, there is a first-hand, real-time lesson we must all learn, if we are to be truly human, and truly divine. Perhaps breakdown always contains breakthrough. Perhaps suffering is simply a right of passage, not a test or a punishment, nor a signpost to something in the future or past, but a direct pointer to the mystery of existence itself, here and now. 

Perhaps life cannot go 'wrong' at all.”

― Jeff Foster


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