Saturday, January 4, 2020

Hello and Welcome to the Body Positive Namibia Blog beloveds. A Brave and Safe space where we tackle our deepest fears, explore and learn to love our individual Bodies and those of others, knowing that every single body is different and is deserving of love, care and pleasure.

We have over the past 6 years been removed, deleted and blocked oFF instagram 5 times and Fcaebook around 13 times because the patriachial, oppresive ways that is the internet deems all nudity as sexual , especially if it happens to be a woman naked for protest, or simply choosing to express herself in this way, against the outlandish rules placed upon her body by society about what she can and can't do with her body.

so we have created this blog to share stories and photos of brave bodies being brave bodies in full bloom with, hopefuly zero fucks given and zero oppresion of our bodies and images here. male, female, other, all bodies are welcome. invited and are important for the healing of our collective conciousness as a human species.

Censored bodies. THIS IS HOW THE INTERNET WANTS IT. Unless when it is for porn and aimed at the male gaze or to sell things for men. can you imagine how beautiful this image truly is without these blocks in energy? can you imagine what censorship does to the brain of an artist? to a limitless creator of worlds. timelines?


My Name is JuliArt and I am the Curator , Founder, Hostess, healer and Photographer at BodyPositive Namibia Welcome to our place of safety. would you like to be a part of the movement?

1. PRIVATE SHOOTS: Book a shoot, a private shoot is N$1000 which includes a body counselling/eNERGY HEALING session, you both you and us will sign a model contract that states the rules and privacy clause that staate that all images belong to client and Body positive namibia will not use them under any circumstances, assuring you have the most magical healing experience without worrying about where or who will see your Artworks.
2. Book for a free shoot, which you get all the photos for you but we can also use them on our website, social media, blogs and in any and or all bodypositive exhibitions, all shoots will require some or other model release form or privacy contract depending on the nature of the shoot or 3. Sign up to be part of our next group shoot of about min10naked and max 25max bodies, which is a private event where we will have a cacoa ceremony and the bodies model together. Completely safe, non sexual and a space of healing and scan before any volunteers are to be part of the shoot. Only pure, self love intentions.

NOW go forth and beYOURSELF, LOVEyourself and RESPECTallothers to.

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